The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them. Psalm 111:2

To complete your homework, read the scriptures and assigned online articles and answer the associated questions.


Before you begin reading your Bible and answering these questions, ask the Lord to give you insight and understanding into the Scriptures.  It is the role of the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to people (John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10).  By His power you will be able to understand what the Scriptures say. Now read the assigned passages of scripture and answer the following questions.  Please note that it is recommended that you use either a NKJV or NIV version of the Bible to answer the questions. If you do not have a Bible, links to each Scripture passage are provided for you.

Scripture Passage:  Genesis 1:1-27

  1. Who was present at the beginning of the world? (verse 1)

  2.  How did God create the world and everything in it?

  3.  What did God create on each day of the six days of Creation? (verses 1-27)

  4.  How long was each Creation day? (verses 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, and 31)

  5.  The phrase “according to its kind” is repeated throughout the Creation account.  What does it mean?

Scripture Passage: Colossians 1:16-17

  1. Who made all of Creation?  (verse 16) Does this contradict Genesis 1:1?  Why or why not?

  2.  For whom was Creation made? (verse 16)

  3.  Who is currently holding Creation together by His power? (verse 17)

Scripture Passage: Psalm 32:7

  1. Summarize this Scripture in your own words.

  2. What is the characteristic of God described in this passage of Scripture?

  3. What does it mean when the psalmist calls God our "Hiding Place"?

  4. Describe how you think you can see this character of God in Creation.


Read the following online article and write down any key points of the article that you would like to discuss in our next class.


After reading the article, answer the following questions. Be sure to write your answers down on a piece of paper and bring them to class.


  1. Why do you think humans have such a fascination with the ocean?

  2. How does God use the ocean to draw us into a relationship with Him?

  3. Why do you think God uses Creation as a way to display His nature? 

Instructions: Vocabulary 

The following words are mentioned in your assigned reading. Research the definitions for each of the words and write down their meaning to ensure that you understand the information included in your assigned reading. 

  • Axon

  • Chitin

  • Convergent Evolution

  • Divergent Evolution

  • Gladius

  • Hemocyanin

  • Hemoglobin

  • Mantle

  • Meridional

  • Papillae

  • Radial

  • Siphuncle


Go to each of the assigned web sites to read and take notes on the appropriate article. Links are provided below.  For each of the assigned articles, your notes should include the following points:

  • Provide a summary of the key points of the article. If you had to give a presentation on the article, what information would you include in your notes?

  • List concepts or information that you found most interesting about the topic.

  • List any information that was presented from an evolutionary standpoint. Note any portion of the information that is truth.

  • List any words or information that you do not understand. Research these words and or concepts on your own.

We will review this information in our class lecture and discussion.

Smithsonian Institute

Article: Cephalopods


Go to each of the assigned web sites to watch the video provided. Take notes on the key points of each video. Document the highlighted features or behaviors of the animal species as applicable.

  1. Why the octopus brain is so extraordinary | Ted-ex (Time: 4:16)

  2. Octopus Camouflage | Science Friday (Time: 4:36)

  3. Octopus Escape | National Geographic (Time: 1:42)

  4. Science Today: Octopus Tool-Use | California Academy of Sciences (Time: 1:12)

  5. Mimic Octopus Documentary | FullKanal YouTube Channel (Time: 1:48)

  6. Giant Squid | Discovery Channel (Time: 2:31)

  7. Hypnosis Attack | Nat Geo Wild (Time: 2:08)

Here are a few species of cephalopods that can be seen locally in South Florida.

Now it is time to apply what you've learned! In Romans 1:20, the Bible says that we can learn about God’s character by looking at what He made. Consider both the biblical and biological information that was discussed in this lesson and then write out your answers to the following questions.

  • This week we read Scriptures describing God as our Hiding Place.  How can you see this character of God in the different types of cephalopods that He created?

  • Take a few moments to consider all of the different types of cephalopods that God made.  Think about one aspect of these animals that you enjoy.  Tell God about it by writing it out on paper. Then write out a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord praising Him for His Creation.